Thursday 24 October 2013

Periodontal Disease - Signs to Help You Identify Periodontal Disease

The bacteria in the mouth are constantly forming a colourless, sticky plaque on your teeth with the help of mucus and food particles. Regular brushing and flossing is necessary to eliminate the plaque. The plaque if not removed hardens and forms tartar, which is not cleaned with brushing. You have to take the help of a dentist, who can eliminate the tartar.

If ignored for long time the plaque and tartar becomes harmful. The bacteria irritate the gums causing ‘Gingivitis’. Regular cleaning can reverse this gum disease.

Dentist in Burwood advice their patients to treat gum disease or else it can cause ‘Periodontitis’. The gums are pulled away from your teeth causing pockets. Thus, the bacteria and plaque spreads below gum line. The connective tissue and bones that hold your teeth in its place are destroyed or the tooth becomes loose and you have to get it removed by a dentist.

Symptoms of periodontal disease

  • Bad breath that does not go away
  • Swollen or red gums
  • Bleeding or tender gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Painful chewing
  • Receding gums
  • Sensitive teeth

Any of these signs means there is a grave problem and needs to be checked by a dentist. The dentist at Burwood –

  • Looks into your medical history to identify the risk factors (smoking) that can be responsible for gum disease
  • Check your gums for signs of inflammation
  • Probe is used to check and measure pockets, if any.
  • Takes X-ray to diagnose any bone loss

If you are diagnosed with gum disease then the first aim of your dentist is to control the disease. Treatment differs, depending on the seriousness of infection.

Deep cleaning process

  1. Scaling is used to remove the tartar from below and above the gum line. 
  2. Root planning process gets rid of rough spots on the root of your tooth, where germs gather.
  3. In some cases laser is used to clean the plaque and tartar.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing info about plague on teeth. I do regular brush and flossing twice or thrice a day. But my friend was disturbed with this problem and so she consulted dentist Manhattan Beach. Who really helped her in making her teeth and gums strong and to maintain oral hygiene too.
