
How To Prevent Cavities?

Oral hygiene is quite important in order to prevent cavities. By following a few simple methods, you can maintain your oral health. The first step to be followed in this regard is to brush your teeth at least twice a day. However, hurried brushing is not the solution. You have to brush properly for about two minutes to remove plaque. You could use a small-headed brush for this purpose.

Many of us do not know the right technique of brushing. You have to focus on cleaning, outer and inner surfaces of teeth. Moreover, you could brush your tongue well to remove bad smell. Toothpaste containing fluoride is ideal for teeth. This mineral will help to remove plaque bacteria from the teeth.

Importance of flossing
Flossing helps in keeping your gum line and areas between your teeth clean by removing the food particles.  To perform this step properly, you need to twist the floss between your fingers and thumb. To learn how to floss, you could go through online tutorials.

You need to avoid excessive consumption of sweets and carbohydrates rich food like candy, chips etc. These items stick to the teeth and cause cavities. Rather you could consume vitamins and mineral rich food like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. This will help you to maintain oral health. Also, you need to drink only fluoridated water.

You can take supplements or food rich in the following items to avoid cavities-

  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorous

Some of the good sources of calcium are dark leafy vegetables, soy products and almonds. Besides sunlight, the other sources of vitamin D include fatty meats, fortified solid products, fluid milks etc. You could find phosphorous in items including fish, eggs and meat. Orange colored food items are good to maintain oral health.

Contact your dentist
If the situation turns worst, you could consult your dentist. They know how to deal with the oral health problems in the right way. They will provide you fluoride supplements, which are effective to strengthen your teeth. Dental sealants are applied to protect the chewing surface of teeth.

If you eat sweets, you need to drink water immediately. This will help in preventing cavities.


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